Moment with the Moon

a memento.

it's been pretty hectic around here. most of the hectic in my mind i'm sure. rush rush rush. conflict with slow slow slow. i feel fear when i'm rushing. fear of losing something, missing something. fear of the tic. tock.

noticed how tangible the moment/story is with one of these cloths. the thoughts jump out at me. they jump into my brain complete with feeling, ideas, problems, solutions. magic. and i did not realize how powerful that could be.

also noticed i question the quilting part of the cloth. i wonder why. fear/conflict of perfection/non performance going on in my head? after i do it though, i love it.

while stitching this, i forgot this was supposed to go on my comforter. is that yarn/vine/umbilical cord going to hold up to washing? is it gonna get all wibbly wobbly? well we'll see...


Suzanna said...

This cloth is so warm soft and growing. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating to see this develop and grow.

jude said...

it might get all wobbly, but it will be ok. you might do a bit of a tiny invisible stitch with white to catch the undersides... or may be what happens will be worth watching. as long as the ends are secures it should hold up. looks great!

twhIch aye said...

thank you for visiting and for your comment suzanna :)

twhIch aye said...

thank you for :watching: with me kaye.

twhIch aye said...

thanks jude... i think i'll do the stiches you recommend just on the severe turns, and see what happens to the rest. leaves more to look forward to...

Kristin Shields said...

Wow, I just discovered your blog! There are so many treasures awaiting us! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful works. I will have to read your archives and get caught up.

twhIch aye said...

hi kristin :) thank you for the really nice words.

twhIch aye said...

to suzanna, if you happen to come back by this way, for some reason i can't comment on your blog :( i really liked the rectangle raindrops!