i think miss moon is camped out on my left shoulder. she's been whispering in my ear forever now.
i've had many moons like this past one and i've forgotten or wasn't aware of many many past moons. i realize (again?), this moon, however that remembering/knowing helped/helps me to ride it out.
the journey a symmetrically imperfect tangled vine. it's not straight, but it's not too scary either. just enough curve to sway me from one side to another and jostle me around a bit, if i'm smiled upon. it's a vine growing from emotions fueled by a clear or cloudy perspective.
i put the quarter moons together using jude's paperless piecing video. i tried it out last week on some entsy teensy squares for practice and the stitchin felt really good. it forced me to hold the pieces in my hands in such a way that produced really good sturdy control.
now to add some words and other stuff?.
traveling the vine...everything
feels like an umbilical cord to
me lately...maybe that's how
pulsing with the Will to Live
ah yes... the vine is the umbilical... the life force cord.
Such beautiful piece of art - I love hearts too and must remember to add it on my piece in the workshop - Hugs Natima
hi natima... thank you... hearts are my favorite shape! hearts and moons... i have to remember not to add too many :)
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