Carried away

this is the back panel for daughter's bag. it was supposed to be simple patchwork with maybe a little something in the corner... what happened? hahahahaha

i guess it has no back now. only two fronts. she can choose.

more wishing... the land of magic and dreams lies just beyond the heart. love is the gateway.


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

love is the gateway
love is the gateway
love is the gateway

Nat Palaskas said...

Spread love through hearts! Your piece is gorgeous. I must remember to add heart onto my piece I make in cloth to cloth workshop. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm sooooo happy to meet so many talented bloggers - Hugs Natima

Anonymous said...

the land of magic and dreams - where the best stories happen. Lovely.

cynthia korzekwa said...


twhIch aye said...

oooh grace... 3, the magic number

twhIch aye said...

hi and thank you nat! i have a hard time thinking of any other shape... i'm trying to expand my horizons but i'm having a hard time :)

twhIch aye said...

hi kaye thank you :) and maybe where the best :living: happens too...

twhIch aye said...

hi cynthia grazie mille! ...for the compliment and for visiting my little spot :)