feeling as if i am changing. don't know if it's for the good or bad. i see myself compromising and i'm not sure if that's what i want to do.
i can feel it affecting my voice.
[just discovered i can follow people :) i couldn't before... maybe the fix to me commenting on embeds is coming soon... hopefully?]
change is good...'follow your bliss' as Joseph Campbell always used to say.
change is good huh? change=scary for me when i am not understanding it. i'm thinking of that story of pushing away from the shore and flowing with the river, it knows where it's going. thank you deanna :)
been thinking about this all day... i'm at a precipice... bliss is somewhere in front of me and the only way is to step off... like the fool's journey. maybe the compromise is me trying to figure out how not to start it.
fear of change used to hold me back but no more. if it feels right in your gut, go for it. you can't move forward without taking a risk. after you start taking risks and experience some positive outcomes, the fear will disappear.
i go through spurts like this too.
feeling something coming.
i like the song wildflowers
and tend to sing it often
i don't know enough to respond
to your words
but Can respond to your cloth
working, which is
and extremely beautiful, Twhich...
so, something about what is
happening is very very good.
Sometimes, in my life, change
couldn't be labeled as one or the
your cloth is just unreal
Twhich aye...thank you for visiting my blog and following. I'm so glad to have found you again...and see what you've been doing. Change is sometimes so incredibly uncomfortable...
Change is three letters less than challenge. Change is often better retrospectively, in my experience. Not so great at the time, but you look back and think 'oh yes, that was right'. Your stitching is still wonderful.
Perhaps it is the change in seasons; but I think every cloth we stitch changes us and we evolve. I am loving this particular piece...especially the windswept eyebrows.
yes deanna... years ago i took a HUGE risk and everything crashed. it scarred me. but i didn't realize that the difference was it was not my plans, my 'bliss'... it was someone else's idea of what 'bliss' for me would be that i adopted. i think this a clue... what life looks for me and not what i think it should look like for others.
oh my goodness serena thank you thank you thank you for that song! beautiful... and i discovered the trio. this song and their others that i found gave me the chills...
well miss grace, i'm going to try to keep it short cuz it is a big story. main thing is that my goals and the changes i've been instinctively making. i've been wondering if i've been making them out of fear or preservation... they happened so subtly that i only realized them when i saw my stitches and working with this blog. it really troubled me cuz they were happening subconsciously and i wanted to make sure they were true and not done in a rash 'to save my skin' way. also my sister and i are extreme opposites and she has been encouraging me in some areas where i lack and with our sibling issues, i've been trying to stay unprejudiced and see what she is saying for what it is. okay that was long... hahahhahaha --- and thank you grace, i felt uncomfortable looking at these new pieces, they seemed so different, but i really enjoyed working with them so... i wasn't sure what they looked like. hahahahha
hi suzanna... yes i'm back and i love your new things! that bumblebee bracelet is amazing! bumblebee and barbwire... and i'm so happy to be able to follow all the people where i can't comment at... a little more connected :)
thank you karen. hmmm... yes challenge and change. challenge=thrust upon and change=comes with a little warning and you seem to have a choice. this gives me a more positive view of everything... thank you :)
evolving. i think i don't expect evolve-ment (?) i expect same... it makes me feel safe. but evolving is good and 'same' doesn't happen so... and besides the seasons, i have a new environment here, so i think you might be correct penny. it was such a big change to my senses.
Hi Twhich aye! It's so good to see you and your work again (I have you on RSS feed). I love your new piece of cloth, especially the winged beauty. From a distance it looks very etherial, but when looked at up close, it's actually quite substantial! Maybe that's something to think about. I understand about change and fear. 9 months ago I went back to college and I was scared to death that I was making a huge mistake. I didn't think I was going to be able to do the experience any justice. But each baby step of the way was an incredible experience. I'm still absorbing the change and what it means to me. We never stop learning, growing. If we stand still too long we become stale and dusty. Believe me, I'm not a brave person and I love having "same-ness" around me. It feels safe and comfortable. But to grow, we need to take a step in new directions. I'll be walking with you as you absorb the changes that have already been happening!
;~) Debi
thank you for following me debi :) i forget about the rss feed... i am putting you on mine as well. i have a list that i (try my best to) visit, but this way you'll be right in my inbox.
the creature was born from the visit i had from the moth the other day. she's hung with me since. from your words i'm thinking on how perspective is our reality for those moments. and change in perspective is all thought... hmmm...
thank you for walking with me debi! i greatly greatly appreciate it! you all have helped me realized so much...
ooops i meant *realize*
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